Committee on Trustees Chair
Executive Committee Member
Ms. Virginia B. Clark spent most of her career in nonprofit educational and cultural organizations. Her most recent position was as Vice President of External Affairs for the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The Center is the only nonpartisan organization dedicated to the Constitution and civic education.
Ms. Clark served as the Smithsonian Institution Assistant Secretary for Advancement, overseeing the Office of Advancement from 2002 to 2017. During her tenure, the Institution launched its first national campaign raising over $1.7b, the largest campaign for a cultural organization. She now holds the title of Assistant Secretary Emerita.
Ms. Clark previously was Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Relations at the University of Pennsylvania, overseeing development and alumni relations for the University’s 12 schools. Prior to that, she served as Associate Dean for External Affairs at the Wharton School. Under her leadership, the University successfully concluded a campaign and received the 2003 CASE Award for Overall Excellence.
Ms. Clark currently serves as a Trustee for Salem University, Buzzards Bay Coalition and as Chair of the Wings Neck Trust. She previously served as a director on the CASE board, Haverford Trust Company, Morris Arboretum and WXPN. She is a graduate of Boston University.
Ms. Clark currently resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.